Niu M+ / Upgrade speeding up to 70 km/h

Home Forums Hacks, mods and optimisations Niu M+ / Upgrade speeding up to 70 km/h

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    • #1911
      Lin Mag SushiLin Mag Sushi

      Hello everyone,

      so I recently talked to my Niu dealer and told him the frustration of the speeding limit in europe, which is 45-50 km/h.

      Well, he told me that his Niu M+ boosts up to 70 km/h, which sounds about perfect for me. He was not able to tell me exactly how he hacked the scooter BUT he told me the way to go is to hack the board computer so it calculates differently, meaning that the system must think the weels are twice the size of what they actually are. If do so, the scooter boosts up to 70 km/h.

      Since I don’t know how to hack the board computer but thought that this must be a possible hack I want to ask you guys. Since he told me that no extra modification must be made and it’s “just” hacking I thought thats a really good way to upgrade speeding without having to disassemble the whole scooter.

      What do you think? Let me know πŸ™‚


    • #1916
      Sander VannogietsSander Vanduffel



      I have not found nor heard of a speedhack applied to the new NIU M+ sport. I have seen similar videos on the N and N1S. They used the reading module from NIU to update the firmware of the electric escooter. This device is pretty expensive to purchase just for this matter. Also, I don’t know if NIU can see these changes in their software.

      I am too an owner of a NIU M+ sport and would like to know this too. Since this vehicle is fairly new, we are still to experience the possibilities. I must say, I am convinced this 48Wh battery can pull this amount of power, but not convinced the 1,2kW motor can.


      Keep us posted if you find any advancements on speedhacking this thing.


      Kind regards,



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